Bringing Creative Excellence

ACM Designs

A Journey Back Home

Andria Cowan Molyneaux, the visionary behind ACM Designs, has always had a deep connection to Haliburton Highlands. A proud graduate of Haliburton Highlands Secondary School, Andria left her hometown in the early ’90s to pursue a career in Toronto. However, the serene beauty and close-knit community of Haliburton never left her heart.

During her time in the city, Andria and her family bought a cottage in Haliburton as part of their retirement plan, never imagining that this move would spark the birth of a thriving business.

Community at the Core

Returning to Haliburton was a full-circle moment for Andria. She founded ACM Designs, a full-service interior design firm, dedicated to transforming living spaces with creativity and precision. ACM Designs quickly distinguished itself with its comprehensive offerings, from interior design to in-house construction and bespoke carpentry. The firm’s ability to design and execute projects, such as custom kitchens, set it apart in the industry.

The inclusion of bespoke services was a natural progression. With a skilled carpenter on the team, ACM Designs began crafting custom pieces like doors and furniture, bringing unique visions to life. This expansion marked a significant milestone in the company’s growth, showcasing its commitment to innovation and quality.

One of ACM Designs’ core values is community, a principle deeply embedded in its operations. Andria emphasizes the company’s philanthropic drive, supporting local businesses, families, and initiatives. This authentic care extends beyond business interactions, fostering a culture of community investment that benefits everyone.

“Our commitment to community is something I’m incredibly proud of,” Andria shares. “It’s not just about business; it’s about being good citizens and contributing to the well-being of our surroundings.”

Growth, Innovation and Sustainability

ACM Designs has experienced remarkable growth since its humble beginnings. Starting with just two full-time employees in the basement of a commercial building, the company rapidly expanded. The pandemic, while challenging for many, served as a catalyst for ACM Designs. The firm doubled in size, bringing on more talent and expanding its services to include in-house construction and carpentry.

This growth necessitated a move to a larger facility. ACM Designs now looks forward to relocating to Abbey Gardens, a move that will further support its expanding operations. Andria credits the supportive Haliburton Highlands business community for much of the company’s success, noting the invaluable partnerships and local support systems that have been crucial in their journey.

Innovation is a cornerstone of ACM Designs. The team travels globally for inspiration, integrating sustainable practices and cutting-edge technology into their projects. A notable example is a light fixture made from mushrooms, discovered in Brooklyn, New York, which exemplifies their commitment to sustainable design.

Locally, ACM Designs reclaims native woods for their bespoke creations, ensuring that sustainability is woven into every aspect of their work. The firm also embraces technological advancements, utilizing virtual reality and exploring artificial intelligence (AI) to enhance their services. AI tools like ChatGPT streamline content creation and improve project management, boosting efficiency and professionalism.

Looking Ahead

The future of ACM Designs is bright, with exciting developments on the horizon. The move to Abbey Gardens represents a significant step forward, providing a larger space to accommodate their growing team and expanding services. The bespoke division, in particular, is set to flourish, highlighting the incredible craftsmanship within the Haliburton Highlands community.

Professional development remains a priority, with team members attending courses and workshops worldwide to hone their skills and bring fresh ideas to their work. This continuous learning ensures that ACM Designs remains at the forefront of the industry, delivering innovative and high-quality designs.

ACM Designs stands as a testament to the vibrant, supportive, and innovative spirit of Haliburton Highlands. From its roots in a small town to achieving national recognition, the firm exemplifies how passion, community, and creativity can drive extraordinary success. Andria Cowan Molyneaux’s journey reflects the potential for big dreams to thrive in small communities, proving that with dedication and support, anything is possible.

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