march, 2025

01mar9:00 am4:00 pmVintage Sled Extravaganzaevent - Hosted at the Haliburton Forest


Event Details

Calling all vintage sleds!

Snowmobiles from or before 1994 are invited to join us for our Vintage Sled Extravaganza.

$75/driver plus tax

$25/passenger plus tax

Please Note: To access the trail system, valid ownership and insurance is required for each sled. Uninsured sleds can still take part in the Show & Shine @ Base Camp.

Fees include:

-Trail pass to Haliburton Forest Snowmobile trails

-BBQ Lunch and Campfire @ MacDonald Lake

-Show & Shine @ Base Camp

-Sled Parade @ Base Camp

-Guided ~60 km sled tour with towing assistance for breakdowns

-Sled games & activities


Event Schedule:

Before the event: Pre-register and sign your waiver online to make check-in day-of smooth and quick.

8 am – 1 pm: Register in the Main office and pick up your pass

9 am – 10:30 am – Meet & Greet

10:30 am – Vintage Sled Parade at Base Camp

11:30 am – 3:30 pm – BBQ Lunch & Games @ MacDonald Lake

Guided ~ 60 km Trail Circuit with sweeps for breakdowns, leaves at:

11:30 am, 12:30 pm and 1:30 pm


(Saturday) 9:00 am - 4:00 pm


Haliburton Forest and Wildlife

1095 Redkin Road